Monday, January 2, 2012


Hello all! So we are currently in Texas at my lovely in-laws. Just watched the Rose Bowl (GO DUCKS!!!!) and the Fiesta Bowl with them and a nice pioneer family from a local congregation. The picture is of us and Maine's parents....obviously. If we look a little tired it's cause we are. :) It's late here.

Maine and I will be leaving for Belize early Thursday. We would love to hear from everyone while we are gone, so please feel free to comment on our post and send emails! From what I understand we will be living close to an internet cafe, so I'm going to try to post something at least once a week.

Love to all!


  1. I hope you guys have a great time! I look forward to pictures and stories its gonna be hard to remember every story... u should try to keep a notebook with u so that when u have something u wanna share or something u want to remember.. u can write down a key phrase and then when u actually get a minute u can look back and write down the whole story! Easier then trying to remember all these experiences and mixing em all together :). Love you! !!

  2. We are so excited for you both! Have fun and be safe. Can't wait to see pictures and read about your adventures. We love you both very much & will miss you <3

  3. thanks Amanda that's a good idea. We love and will miss you two!
    Kerby we love you guys!!! Can't wait to video chat with you guys and see the kids! We'll email when we get in so you guys know we are there.

  4. LOL sorry Kari you new last name is less distinct :) I know 3 jones families.... So thank YOU for the suggestion. I'm glad we talked so I know that was you.nn:) Love you lots!!!

  5. Thank you for adding us to your list. Our kids made it to South Africa. Let me know if you want the link to their blog. She has not posted anything new yet. They are still getting used to the time change and crazy busy bethel entrance stuff. Have fun and stay safe.

  6. What an awesome experience you guys!! Can't wait to read about your adventures and visit with you when you get back. Much love,
    Blake & Stefanie Smith :)

  7. Hi, this is Sherry. This is my 3rd try to send a post. Not sure successful? Let me know if anything arrives. love you all

  8. we are waiting and waiting for a new post. Nothing from our daughter in Africa either. It has been a long dry spell. Hope all is well.
