Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Assembly and Preaching

So Saturday Morning we woke up early to go to the Sign Language Special Assembly Day. This year it was held in Belmopan which is nice for us cause it was less then an hour away. So first we walked to the Kingdom Hall where most in the Congregation were meeting to take a bus. It's kinda cool, everyone pitches to rent a bus. Makes traveling allot easier since most don't have cars.

The Assembly was in a building they rented...not sure what the building is actually for...but anyhow, we were in an upstairs room. It seemed really small. There are only 3 ASL Congregations here in Belize and 2 official groups that do interpreting, so at most there was only 130ish people there. So again it seemed small compared to the ASL assemblies we go to in Canada. Anyone know how many people are usually at those?

The overseer for this area doens't really know ASL yet, so he spoke spanish. It was weird having ASL translated from spanish. Totally through us off. :) Also we have a new appreciation for padded seats! OUCH!

So we met allot of nice people. One girl we met is here from France for 7 months. She is staying in San Pedro supporting the English congregation that has the ASL group. We met another brother from there too. We are planning at the end of the month (provided it all works out) to go spend a week there!!! I'm so excited! Preaching in the morning, beach in the afternoon, oh ya! Don't worry Mom I'm wearing sunscreen. :)

After Assembly it was back on the bus. We got dropped off at the Kingdom Hall. On the way home we stopped at the Papusa stand. WOW so good!

It's right on the corner near our house. For those that don't know, they are like stuffed tortillas...stuffed with deliciosness! I really want to learn to make them. The other thing here that we are officailly in love with is creole bread! This lady makes it and you can buy it fresh every afternoon. We'll take a pic one of these days. So good!

Also the first day we were here we went to breakfast at this little restaurant and had fresh squeezed orange juice and fried jacks!

YUM! I am also in love with fired jacks....I really like bread.


I woke up not feeling so good so we stayed home. Not to worry I felt better by the afternoon. We ended up all worked around the house cleaning and doing laundry. We washed it all by hand.

Crystal has a little washer but it is boken right now. And it's really not so hard to wash by hand anyhow.


Tuesday morning we finally got to go preaching. Right out the door we met a man and before we could even mention God's name Jehovah he did! Everyone here is really nice and easy to talk to. Most are religious and have an appreciation for the Bible. For the morning we basically just walked around talking to people on the streets. Then we walked up a huge hill to see some people with a deaf son that Crystal visits regualrly. The veiw was awesome!

But the roads were tough. I don't know how people drive on some of them. Seriously this one road had been completely washed out, but people still drive on it regularly. In fact Maine talked to a man at the top that was fixing his car. Tip: don't don't drive down that hill and maybe your car will work better.

After the morning we came home for lunch, sleep, and shower. Not nessesarily in that order. Then back out for more preaching at 2. We took a taxi to Bullet Tree. It was a really pretty drive. We walked down some roads Crystal had never been down before. Met a woman making tortillas. They knew a little deaf boy, but Crystal already knew him too. But she gave us a sample of her tortillas. Yummy! She sells them, you can buy like 20 for $1 bz or $0.50 US. So we did.

After we were done preaching we went to this awesome spot in the river (Belize river I think) that Crystal knows about. It was so refreshing!

So we sat in the water for awhile then caught a taxi back to San Ignacio. We were planning on getting papusas on the way home, but sadly they weren't open :( So instead we made “Creole pizza” (I made that up) which is pizza on creole bread (great idea Maine)

That brings us up to today. Woke up soar from all the walking. Went preaching and did more walking. :) Now we are having a sort of lazy afternoon. Blogging, emailing, more laundry.

We miss everyone allot! And hope you are all doing good.

This post is actually from Becky I just posted it. :)


  1. Zak says "tell them your trailers here." I said "what else" He says "nothing else, that's all." He also likes the picture of Maine "yelling" I think he's really pretending to eat that plant...Cress waved bye bye...

    1. thank you Zak good to know. We miss you guys. Love all.

  2. Hi! So glad to read of the great time you two are having so far :) Wow, the assembly sounds tiny! Our assembly in October had a peak attendance of 680, so we probably had about 130 or so at the pioneer meeting alone. That's awesome though- you probably get to know everyone a lot better on a smaller setting. Look forward to your next post.
