Monday, January 16, 2012



Yep we saw one. It was a peaceful evening, nothing unusual. Crystal was sweeping like she does every evening when suddenly she screamed! Maine and I ran out of the other room and sure enough she had seen it. A tarantula.

We were all stricken with fear. But Maine manned up and grabbed the broom. Turning it upside down and wielding it like a spear he sleighed the giant beast! And we all lived happily ever after only slightly fearful that the tarantula's family would come to seek far so good.


Crystal and I went out with a young girl named Serita. She is deaf and an unbaptized publisher. Aren't they adorable!


Friday we went preaching in an area called Spanish Lookout. It's where the Cayo Deaf Institute is. CDI is run by the Mennonite community. So there are lots of farms all over. Also the stores and things are allot more like they are in the states. In gerneral everything is allot nicer. It's made up of allot of different villages. They aren't very good at coming up with names for them though...

There is also a Duckrun 2 and Duckrun 3.

To get Spanish Lookout you have to take a ferry boat.

We went with a couple that moved here from the states Tony and Lauren. Tony is deaf, Lauren is hearing. They are both really sweet and lots of fun. They, having been here for almost 2 years, know allot of the deaf in the area so we got to go meet quite a few and joined in on their Bible studies. One family that Lauren and I visited are all deaf.

There were these 2 little kids there, SO cute! I really wish I had taken their picture...hopefully I'll get to see them again so I can. But anyways they were both deaf and so sweet. They were so excited to sit and learn and look at pictures.

Maine and Tony got stuck waiting behind a horse at one point...

We stopped for lunch at a restaurant and had “beefburgers”. You have to be specific cause if you say “hamburger” they will literally give you ham. Thankfully we were warned and didn't have to figure that out the hard way. They also had free wifi there, so that was exciting!

After lunch Maine had to translate for Tony while visiting a deaf boy. The tricky part was that the boys mother only spoke Spanish, so Maine had to translate from ASL to Spanish. :/ It's good practice.

Afterward Tony and Lauren dropped us off at the nice going with someone that has a car. :)

It was really sunny out when I took that picture...


So both the Sign Language meetings are on the weekend. The cong. Bible study, ministy school, and service meeting are all on Saturday. Maine got to conduct the cbs at our first meeting here! He felt a little awkward considering he didn't really know many peoples sign names.

After meeting Saturday there was a going away party at our house for a sister that is moving farther south to a town called San Antonio. The area she is going to has a strong Mayan population. And most places there don't have electricity or like an actual shower. But there are allot of deaf. There isn't a Sign Language Congregation there, so they interpret the meetings. I guess allot of it is in Mayan though so the interpreting is hard. Anyhow here is a pic from the party. Elizabeth (in the white top) is who the party was for.

She moved to Belize from Mexico. She speaks Spanish and English, and knows both MSL and ASL. Up til recently (when we showed up) she has been living with Crystal.

Sunday Maine gave the public discourse.

The congregation here is pretty small. Only 22 publisher (people that take part in the ministry work). You can tell it's kinda sparse from the pic.

After meeting Ana Tune, the sister that we rent from who also lives next door, invited us all over for fry jacks! YAY! If you don't remember we had those our first day here at a restaurant. Ana's were way better! I love fry jacks! That was it. Today we went to Xunantunich. It was tons o' fun but I don't have time to put those pics up right now. Soooo stay tuned :)

Also thanks everyone for all the comments!


  1. What an amazing week! I wanna come.

  2. Glad your weeks are going amazingly! But wowza that spider is not the prettiest (shudder) I will put some snow in the freezer for when you guys return... ;)

    1. Aw thanks Loren! a couple snow balls for us to throw at each other would be great :)

  3. So glad u guys r having fun. Miss u . Ur missing all the snow. Please say hi to crystal for us.

  4. Woo hoo! I finally figured out how to post on here! It's obvious by your pictures that you guys are fully enjoying yourselves and having wonderful experiences. ^-^ I think I could do without the surprise guest though. *shudder* Way to save the day Maine!
